
Life goes on whether you want it to or not

Life moves on with or without us, that is very true.

Fred, you are a god among men, and an inspiration to us all.

"But I guess when you love someone, you love them sometimes in spite of their flaws, or maybe even because of them. However, you can only do that when those flaws don’t affect you in a direct and negative way. When that starts to happen, its not about love anymore, its about survival. You or them. And you’ve got to go the way of survival. Martyrdom is for fools. I choose to survive. I choose to live."

It's good to make goals so life doesn't move on without you.

I would love to see New Orleans some day. I want take a road trip all around the south, the east coast, and all the way up to Niagara Falls. I want to bike up the North Shore (the Minnesota side of Lake Superior) and camp along the way. I want to take a ride all the way up the California coast up to Washington and see where I go from there. I want to buy a plot of land on the lake, build it into a cabin and get four-wheelers for my kids to enjoy some day. I want to help coordinate big events such as parties and races. I want to fix up old/foreclosed on houses (with the help of my favorite contractors - my sister and Eric) and sell them.

I want an office-like job where I'm required to leave my office and do other things. I want the freedom to take a few days off here and there to discover and enjoy life. I want to complete an Ironman triathlon. I want to own my own business some day that plays a big part in the community. I want to get married and have kids some day - when I'm ready. I want to have a career and life that that I can respect myself for. I want to grow old and create a big family.

I never want to stop overcoming obstacles, discovering life and learning.

In other news, I'm trying to schedule time to get back home for awhile. I'm going to try for around February 10, because Cowboy Mouth plays at the Fine Line that day and my sister will turn 21 that day so she can come with. It looks like I've got JP coming with me, unless the cold scares him off. Silly southern Californians.

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