
The season is over!

So Power baseball season is over. It's back to normal. Less beer, slightly less drama (don't worry, with Jamba it'll never go away) and hopefully a few days off in a row to get out of town for awhile. Back to the gym too, which is my favorite part. My calendar for August looks so bare by comparison to the last two months.

I really met some great people at Power though. And I'll definitely miss the footlongs for dinner...


A white Christmas!

Hey folks! Looks like I should be home for Christmas this year! I have a plane ticket reserved for December 22-28.

Tonight's Power game was Christmas in July themed. It made me think of going downtown and seeing Christmas lights, how I was always so glad when the ice was finally thick enough to ice skate on, sledding, seeing all billion sides of my family in two days, and hearing nothing but Christmas music on KOOL108 radio.

I can't seem to unwind lately, I have so much on my mind. Things just keep popping up to really got me going haywire and it's been non-stop stress for awhile. After Power is over, I'm taking a nice long trip to the beach or the mountains or finding a lake somewhere to really reflect.

I miss home a lot lately too. I just want some Erbert and Gerbert's, Noodles, and most of all, the color green. I've heard it's pretty dry, but you're telling someone who lives in a DESERT with green reserved only for golf courses. And of course, my family and friends too. I can even smell what it felt like to step outside last winter. So fresh and crisp and not 116 degrees. Just a nice bitter cold. Yum.


Catch up time

This month has passed by so fast! It's been a roller coaster ride, however.

I celebrated my fourth of July by working a baseball game, then walking the dog and enjoying fireworks with her. I pondered a lot about moving here - after all, last fourth was spent homeless in San Diego! And before that, I was always at my grandma's. So it was different.

(The team with Mary Bono on the fourth of July. Photo by Katie Bild.)

Other than that, I'm working at the JJ in the mall now. I was pleasantly surprised - it's a decent team, the manager has a great head on her shoulders and I have a lot of respect for her. I have a manager that can be straightforward with me for the most part and I like that.

I've been so stressed lately. I have a lot of people in my life not being honest with me. I'm always closest to and more respectful of people that can say what they mean, be with me. That's not asking much. I also tend to stick up for what is right and what I believe in, and that's gotten me into some trouble recently.