
Like an easy Sunday morning

Life is good.

The waters are calm for the time being.

There was good quote from Carrie on "Sex and the City" about women needing three things - a good apartment, a good boyfriend and a good job - and if one of them is bad, no matter how great the other two are then life goes to shit. For the first time in awhile if not ever, all three are pretty decent. My job at the casino is mildly frustrating, but climbing the ladder looks promising. My place could use some improvement (and a couch), but there's plenty 'o food in the fridge, good books, a more comfortable bed and cable/internet.

It's been a good couple of days. For Halloween, JP took me to the IHOP for chocolate chip pancakes. Later, I dressed as an IRS agent for work. This week we've taken a stroll downtown after lunch and ice cream (that's the photo), went to a barbeque at his parents' complete with s'mores, went to Thai food with his mom and some Chinese beer, saw the movie Borat (hilarious!) and went to eat, and otherwise just relaxed or watched movies together.

My college diploma came in the mail today. It's hard not to think how I worked my ass completely off during the three years it took to get that piece of paper while I wipe people's ash trays out at work, but I bite my tongue most of the time knowing that I have dreams and aspirations that far exceed doing that for much longer. The diploma even comes in miniature form so just in case I forget that I'm halfway intelligent while I am at work...

Oh! And my car is an official resident of California now! So, I said good-bye to this yesterday.

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