I carry quite a bit of credit card debt from getting to California and not being able to get a job for awhile. I also finance a car and insurance. However, my apartment is about a mile away from one place of employment, five from the other and if I start at the fitness place it'd be about ten. But let's face it, I'd be so in shape it'd be ridiculous. So selling my car is a possibility. I get a decent interest rate on my car - not the case on my credit cards.
My great idea:
1) I sell my car for more than the remainder of my loan (CA cars cost more than WI cars) or at least what it is.
2) I pay the credit cards. I still have a few thou left.
3) I put that chunk into my auto loan and keep making payments. Of course, I save a huge amount not whoring myself out to the credit cards and can pay much more to get it paid off within a year or so. Of course, now my credit is much, MUCH better.
4) I keep working my ass off and saving/investing while I'm at it.
5) I rent a car if I need to get to Idyllwild or San Diego or home.
6) Down the line, I buy this:
That car is far more me I think. I don't know how all the title stuff would work out, plus canceling the insurance, but more financial freedom and being in shape by forcing myself to bike everywhere (we do have a bus system here as well) might be wise.
Sigh. I know not paying off my car right away isn't possible, but still. I'd totally live in that bus.
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