
Crappy jobs

So, as a girl who admittedly has had way too many jobs, spanning from county fairs to professional office slave to management, I've seen my fair share of bad times. To my credit, it's very normal for me to have three or four jobs at the same time, some of which are seasonal.

Anyhow, after thinking about the jobs that I have taken purely for money, thinking I'd give them a chance, I began to wonder what bad jobs are out there that I've never done.

Here are just a few I've heard of that would beat my worst three jobs (toolbox assembly line worker, horse stall shoveling/garbage truck operator with jail convicts, and overnight ash tray cleaner at a dirty casino):

1) Bean factory conveyor belt worker ("picking out everything that wasn't a bean")
2) Putting one piece of fat in each can of beans at a conveyor belt
3) Nailing the Jesus on crosses at a religious artifact factory
4) Anything having to do with hot dogs, cows, chickens, etc.
5) Punching holes in catheter bags all day

Everyone has bad days. There inevitably is something not ideal with any job - people you work with, the commute, doing the same thing every day, the pay, the benefits, seeing the sunrise and set during your shift, etc.

A wise person once told me that if you hate your job so much that you'd rather be the guy digging ditches on the side of the road on a hot summer day than go into your job, it's time to quit. The great thing about jobs is that there's always another one to try out.

Many people have asked how I seem to always have a few jobs at the same time - the answer is A)I'm constantly looking. Seriously, it's like a weird hobby of mine. B) I'm willing to do the jobs no one else wants. C) Do you see me with loads and loads of cash? No. I may be working 50-60 hours a week, making just enough to pay the bills. But if that's the case, I really like what I do. If you get paid to do something you like, it doesn't seem like work. For instance, one of my jobs involved getting paid to board a fairy to a gorgeous warm island and putting together a marathon, with paid room and food, for a few days.

Now, why can't all jobs be like that?

It's my ultimate goal for that to be the case - to combine events, travel, fun and nice weather. Someday, I will enjoy Minnesota summers and California "winters" as a snowbird. Seriously. Winter's coming, and I'm getting restless and cold.

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