
Twirl, twirl, twirl

Friday, Saturday and Sunday by day? Making about a billion smoothies at Jamba.

By late afternoon into night on Saturday and Sunday? Working at the Power/Chill baseball booth at the Pride Festival. Thousands of gays flock to Palm Springs from all over the country for the celebration. It was a strange mix of drag, leather, loin clothes, big hairy bicycle guys, children, awkward gay middle schoolers, a woman wearing a shirt that read "Pussy is a terrible thing to waste", guys dressed like Paul Bunyan, cheerleaders, etc. with a background of rainbows, tents and music.

There was even a parade Sunday morning, which was pretty much a gay Mardi Gras with beads everywhere. It's true - anyone you meet in Palm Springs is gay until proven differently! The whole thing made me realize that my gaydar is still off, there were a few hot boys walking around that could have fooled me.

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